Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer has arrived

Having had such beautiful weather this past week or two, we now feel that summer has arrived. The garden is looking lovely with so many beautiful colours and such attractive plants. The Sun always makes one feel so much better.

We have visited quite a few Vide Greniers lately; the English equivalent of a Car Boot Sale. (Although the translation into English means "attic clearance" or "empty loft") It seems most villages will have one during May and June and throughout the summer months. It is always so pleasant and enjoyable perusing these stalls, talking to the French and getting to understand more about their culture and habits. We are often surprised to see some English stall holders as well, often selling English books etc. This does make a pleasant afternoon out especially if it’s in a village that we haven’t looked around, and there are so many little villages scattered amidst the countryside. All have their own identity, charm and uniqueness and are absolutely well worth a visit.

Today we woke with a scattering of rain, which now seems to have died out, and it is bright again. Summer certainly is a time when we can appreciate all the benefits of being in this wonderful region of France.