Friday, January 07, 2011

IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Barretts Oesophagus – Heartburn – Acid Reflux – Constant Indigestion.

I had to give this a title that covers all of these problems as I firmly believe they are all linked – especially from my own personal medical experiences.

For years having suffered with most of the problems above, (together with fighting Thyroid Problems) and then 3 years ago being diagnosed with Barrett’s – the final straw really – it is not very pleasant living with these medical conditions as many of you know, as I understand it is a very common in many thousands of people. I sincerely believe it is not down to “bad diet” it is purely down to the way your body reacts to certain foods.

Firstly I must comment on Barretts.... and trying not to be negative...
The standard medication (from experience at the local G.P.) is P.P.I’s (Proton Pump Inhibitors) to stop the mutated cells from spreading into Cancerous Cells – however, and I only speak from my experience gained over the past few years of having every type thrown down my throat and suffering continual extreme diarrhoea and stomach cramps every single morning – having been through the range and finding none that suits and even when I taking them – heartburn would return well before the next dose was due. So I gave them up for the above two reasons.

Secondly onto Heartburn, Indigestion and Acid Reflux....controlling this...
I haven’t found any medication that relieves this completely, and believe me I have tried everything, its like a lottery from day to day. Some days are better than others which led me into the research of food eaten by me to find out what affects me, and I finally found some very interesting answers which I hope someone, somewhere might agree with me as I am sure I am right. It hasn’t cured me, but it certainly has helped to relieve the symptoms, and I do know now when I have eaten is very difficult with any diet to make sure that one completely avoids.......

Pepper – I always had white pepper or black pepper on my meals and used for seasoning when cooking and this is the only thing I have found which affects my digestive and bowel system extremely badly – It gives me the IBS, it gives me heartburn and indigestion – it plays my stomach up. I know that may sound strange but I have tested it on a number of occasions. When I eat out at a restaurant I make sure that what I choose has no or little pepper – otherwise I know I will suffer for a good few days. I avoid shop bought meat pies, cartoned soup, etc because these affect me.

Perhaps those with the above condition could try and avoid this and see if it makes any improvement. It certainly has helped me.

I am not a Doctor, nor do I pretend to know or understand these medical conditions completely, but I do now understand what causes my body to react to certain foods – more than any doctor that has advised me. However, if there is a qualified medical practitioner out there somewhere who can give me advice, I am more than happy to listen and try.

So there you have it..... if you have been suffering like me.... you have nothing to lose in trying to avoid Pepper.