Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Digressing to Life in General

Whilst on the sit on mower this morning, dealing with the long grass in the orchard and having just completed once again one of Tuesday Lobsang Rampas books “I Believe”, (and I shall cover this topic another time as I could ramble forever about this physic and author) I remembered all the controversy years ago surrounding this gentleman, and my mind wandered onto the subject of life in general.

With the UK news recently highlighting the fact that they have now discovered a “fat” gene, it took me back many many years ago when I remember there was a huge outcry from experts who identified plastics that were used to contain food and drink products, having toxicological effects on the human body.

Scientists concluded that eating and drinking from bottles made of plastic would over a period of time affect the genetic make up of the human body and both physical and mental aspects of sexuality would be affected, together with increase in cancer, and Alzheimer disease to name but a few.

It further concluded that there was also a conflict of interest in allowing the manufacturers to submit to their own testing.

Are we are now seeing those physical and mental changes to the Human Race taking place?

I wonder if its like global warming, nothing will be done by the governments until its too late?

1 comment:

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- Thomas