Thursday, March 29, 2007

Gravelling around the property

It took from Spring onwards last year to get the garden in some sort of shape and after spending the end of the Summer having 26 tons of gravel delivered, many an hour transferring this to the drive, parking areas and paths we felt that the garden was just about finished. (So were we).

When we went to the local gravel pits, we were presented with dozens of little plastic containers showing us all the different sizes and colours of gravel, and we were surprised at the quantity that we needed to do the job. We were even more surprised when this huge dumper (camion) arrived and tipped it out, we nearly fell over once the mountain of gravel that completely blocked the entrance to our drive.

It has been a long, cold, wet and windy Winter, but it feels now that Spring is on its way. It’s brighter and the garden is drying out from all the rain we have had. We felt it was time to mow the lawn and orchard and start to get rid of the weeds.

Of course, being in France, it is not permitted to use any form of mechanical equipment outside during the hours of 12 and 2pm and all day on Sunday, although some tend to ignore this, we being English feel we should follow the rules. So Sunday came and went without us getting out the mower etc. and it was such a beautiful day.

Monday came and it was all hands to the deck, grass 3ft high and our sit on mower struggling to cope. It took all of Monday and Tuesday to get a quick cut all round. We just started on Wednesday to tidy up and the heavens opened. One thing about living here is that we do seem to get more than our fair share of rain, locals say this is climate change in the region, and they have never know such rainy conditions.

At least the garden now is on the way to looking good.

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