Thursday, March 29, 2007

An intense smell

We were busy working on the renovations in the house when we heard a huge commotion outside, now being down a very quiet country lane with only a French retired farming couple living opposite we wondered what was happening.

We opened the front door, nearly getting knocked over by the smell of manure, a nice healthy smell that we get twice a year when the farmers transport this up and down the lane to place on all the fields around us.

The farmers “muck spreader” had been going past our door, and the drive shaft had dropped and ploughed into the road leaving behind him a huge gouge out of the middle of the lane. Another farmer came and helped and after quite a time they had transferred all the manure into another unit. Now they had to lift the drive shaft and remove the vehicle out of the way, then tackle repairing the road the best they could.

Triangular road works signs were placed either side and within two weeks the maintenance crew had been and permanently repaired it.

It looks none the worse now.

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